Integrating Races in the Last Four Weeks of Training

Many of our Lydiard Method training runners are now in Phase Four which is called “Integration”. This phase is the bridge to peaking in goal race. Workouts within this phase are designed to simulate race conditions. Most of the hard work is done, and it’s time to start reaping the rewards, while keeping your target race top of mind. We had several runners jump into races last Sunday at the Creve Coeur Half Marathon. More on that in a few minutes.

Progress Calibration Runs (PCR) are used to practice pacing skills, simulate race conditions, get used to racing flats and try different fueling strategies. PCR’s are controlled steady state runs done at faster paces and designed to push the second half of the distance. The runner generally finds they are performing these faster than expected as their fitness level is more tuned now as they head into the tapering phase. These are strong but not full out or even 90% efforts. PCR’s can be done in a race if the runner is disciplined and doesn’t get tempted to “race”. They should also always feel that when finished they could have continued on. These are best done by actually entering races to fully experience the entire process from pre-race through to cool-down. Be sure your warmup and cooldown appropriately and under no circumstances should one sprint at the end as this increases the likelihood of injury. Save it for the real target race! Also, one important hint, do not start out too hard, work your way into it. And keep at 90% or below effort.

This past weekend we had two runners enter the Creve Coeur Half. All ran well, and their effort was well within their target pace range. They, as our other Lydiard runners, ran this on top of a couple harder workouts on Tuesday and Thursday prior at they are still in integration phase and not tapering yet. Shown in the pic here, Bree, Emma, Heather and Marie all achieved their target paces, Brennan actually won the 7k, while Caleb and Tracy also hit their pace plan. All these runners approached this as a workout and is part of their Lydiard training plan.

Now, the timing is right to jump in a couple races as a part of your training. Do not “race” them and be sure you understand what is important to get out of the workout.

If you would like to learn more about the Lydiard® Method, please visit our store, Running Niche, and talk with Bob Dyer or Jennifer Henderson, who are both Lydiard® Certified Coaches.

Bob Dyer (Co-Owner, Running Niche)

International business leader and specialty running retailer with deep expertise in the branded footwear and apparel industry. Co-Owner of Running Niche, a specialty running store located in The Botanical Heights neighborhood of St. Louis, Missouri.

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