Integrating Races in the Last Four Weeks of Training
Many of our Lydiard Method training runners are now in Phase Four which is called “Integration”. This phase is the bridge to peaking in goal race. Workouts within this phase are designed to simulate race conditions. Most of the hard work is done, and it’s time to start reaping the rewards, while keeping your target race top of mind. We had several runners jump into races last Sunday at the Creve Coeur Half Marathon. More on that in a few minutes.
Progress Calibration Runs (PCR) are used to practice pacing skills, simulate race conditions, get used to racing flats and try different fueling strategies. PCR’s are controlled steady state runs done at faster paces and designed to push the second half of the distance. The runner generally finds they are performing these faster than expected as their fitness level is more tuned now as they head into the tapering phase. These are strong but not full out or even 90% efforts. PCR’s can be done in a race if the runner is disciplined and doesn’t get tempted to “race”. They should also always feel that when finished they could have continued on. These are best done by actually entering races to fully experience the entire process from pre-race through to cool-down. Be sure your warmup and cooldown appropriately and under no circumstances should one sprint at the end as this increases the likelihood of injury. Save it for the real target race! Also, one important hint, do not start out too hard, work your way into it. And keep at 90% or below effort.
Many of our Lydiard Method training runners are now in Phase Four which is called “Integration”. This phase is the bridge to peaking in goal race. Workouts within this phase are designed to simulate race conditions. Most of the hard work is done, and it’s time to start reaping the rewards, while keeping your target race top of mind. We had several runners jump into races last Sunday at the Creve Coeur Half Marathon. More on that in a few minutes.
Progress Calibration Runs (PCR) are used to practice pacing skills, simulate race conditions, get used to racing flats and try different fueling strategies. PCR’s are controlled steady state runs done at faster paces and designed to push the second half of the distance. The runner generally finds they are performing these faster than expected as their fitness level is more tuned now as they head into the tapering phase. These are strong but not full out or even 90% efforts. PCR’s can be done in a race if the runner is disciplined and doesn’t get tempted to “race”. They should also always feel that when finished they could have continued on. These are best done by actually entering races to fully experience the entire process from pre-race through to cool-down. Be sure your warmup and cooldown appropriately and under no circumstances should one sprint at the end as this increases the likelihood of injury. Save it for the real target race! Also, one important hint, do not start out too hard, work your way into it. And keep at 90% or below effort.
This past weekend we had two runners enter the Creve Coeur Half. All ran well, and their effort was well within their target pace range. They, as our other Lydiard runners, ran this on top of a couple harder workouts on Tuesday and Thursday prior at they are still in integration phase and not tapering yet. Shown in the pic here, Bree, Emma, Heather and Marie all achieved their target paces, Brennan actually won the 7k, while Caleb and Tracy also hit their pace plan. All these runners approached this as a workout and is part of their Lydiard training plan.
Now, the timing is right to jump in a couple races as a part of your training. Do not “race” them and be sure you understand what is important to get out of the workout.
If you would like to learn more about the Lydiard® Method, please visit our store, Running Niche, and talk with Bob Dyer or Jennifer Henderson, who are both Lydiard® Certified Coaches.
What do Mitochondria do in Muscle Tissue?
Why is building a solid aerobic base so critical? The foundation for a successful performance in your goal race starts many weeks before during the aerobic base building phase. This segment of training builds your "aerobic engine" which in turn allows you to handle your harder workouts as you progress through your training plan and building fitness.
Remember there is "running" and then there is "training". There is a huge difference. Training is based upon science and building certain physiological systems you will need at full capacity to do your best in your goal race. I came across this chart recently which does a great job of simplifying why slower aerobic running is critical in building a good aerobic base.
Why is building a solid aerobic base so critical? The foundation for a successful performance in your goal race starts many weeks before during the aerobic base building phase. This segment of training builds your "aerobic engine" which in turn allows you to handle your harder workouts as you progress through your training plan and building fitness.
Remember there is "running" and then there is "training". There is a huge difference. Training is based upon science and building certain physiological systems you will need at full capacity to do your best in your goal race. I came across this chart recently which does a great job of simplifying why slower aerobic running is critical in building a good aerobic base.
Understanding Mitochondria’s Role in Muscle Tissue
It comes down to that little engine at the cellular level called Mitochondria. You want as many of these guys as possible. Slow aerobic running during base building has been shown in some studies to actually double the amount of Mitochondria! So as you are out there putting in your time on your feet and your friends are asking why you are running so slowly, here is your answer.
Within Lydiard Training, Aerobic base building is 10 weeks of a 24 week program. It truly is the foundation upon which the next four phases in sequence are built: Hill Strengthening, Anaerobic Development, Integration/Coordination and Tapering.
Pulling the Plant Up by the Roots
“There is an impressive workout, then there is the RIGHT workout”, "It’s always better to under-do training than over-doing it”. -Master Coach Arthur Lydiard
Many are headed rapidly towards their date with a goal race, Spring is rapidly approaching.
If you have followed your training plan well, its about this time, that you’re starting to feel pretty good. Those long aerobic runs are easier, your Out & Backs or Progress Calibration Runs are going quicker with the same effort, while your intensity is going up your mileage is going down. All positive signs your fitness level is “coming round”.
“There is an impressive workout, then there is the RIGHT workout”, "It’s always better to under-do training than over-doing it”. -Master Coach Arthur Lydiard
Many are headed rapidly towards their date with a goal race, Spring is rapidly approaching.
Maximizing Training Benefits: Avoiding Common Mistakes
If you have followed your training plan well, its about this time, that you’re starting to feel pretty good. Those long aerobic runs are easier, your Out & Backs or Progress Calibration Runs are going quicker with the same effort, while your intensity is going up your mileage is going down. All positive signs your fitness level is “coming round”.
About this time, it’s quite natural to want to “test yourself”. Coach Lydiard used to call it “pulling the plant up by the roots”. You want to see what’s there, how things are coming along. But beware, this is one of the worst things you can do at this point in time. As with plants, once you pull up the roots, it may or may not do well once you replant it.
What happens is this: You’re feeling too good on a harder, tempo type workout and all of a sudden, your pushing the pace. Too fast. In some cases, well in excess of goal race pace. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Physiologically, even though you felt good, you are breaking yourself down, not building up and adding fitness. Its almost like you’re running your race in training. This isn’t training, this is simply running. Training is thoughtful, purposeful and controlled.
This is not the “right” workout and “it’s always better to under do it than overdo it”. Trust in your plan. See it through. You won’t know your real potential on race day unless you allow the plan to play out. On Lydiard training there are times where controlled racing situations are recommended. Usually this comes about four weeks out from race day and specific parameters are laid out to stay within, based upon how the prior three weeks workouts have gone. From these we then analyze the run and use this information to drive race strategy.
Remember, trust in your plan. By pulling up the roots, you may kill the plant.
If you would like to learn more about the Lydiard® Method, please visit our store, Running Niche, and talk with Bob Dyer or Jennifer Henderson, who are both Lydiard® Certified Coaches.
Why You Should Rethink the 20 Mile Long Run: Marathon Training Tips
Is the 20-mile long run the best approach to marathon training? Learn why it might not be ideal and explore expert-backed tips for safer, more effective endurance-building methods.
Why the 20-Mile Run is a Controversial Training Method
As we head into early March, I'll see the "holy grail 20-mile run" pop up on training groups’ social media over the next couple weeks in prep for target races late March and early April. Here are some thoughts on whether or not to do the infamous “20 Miler” as you are considering including such a run(s) in your training.
Understanding the Limits of Long-Distance Runs
So, who should be doing 20 milers and when? The litmus test is; can you complete it in less than 2 hour 30 minutes or 9:00 per mile. If yes you are good to go. And doing a 20 miler at least 4 weeks out from goal race is workable. Anything closer jeopardizes fitness, may cause breakdown, sickness or even injury. The longest you should go is 2:45 as beyond that the muscle fibers in your legs incur damage, which then takes days or even several weeks to repair. The slower the runner the more time it will take, the more pounding on the legs creating more physical stress which is impossible to recover from only 4 weeks out from goal race.
Insights from Experienced Marathon Coaches
Dr. Jack Daniels is a world renown exercise physiologist and a coach of Olympic athletes. He received his doctoral degree in exercise physiology from the University of Wisconsin. Named "The World's Best Coach" by Runner's World magazine. Daniels outlined his training philosophies in the 1998 book, Daniels' Running Formula. He mentors and coaches some of America's top distance runners in the country.
Dr. Jack recommends long runs be capped at 2:30 to 3:00 hours max. He says running longer than that offers high risk of injury and burnout. Click here to watch his famous explanation of this on YouTube or watch in the video in this blog post.
Strategies for Building Endurance Without Overtraining
So how should slower runners handle this? The day before their 2.5 hour run, they should be doing something of up-tempo pace, quicker pace of about an hour or so. Then within a 24-hour period they have covered 3:30, more than 15 miles most likely, haven’t damaged their legs and can properly recover. If you have a coach telling you to go out there and run the “20” and you can’t get it done in less than 2:30 ask them why, what is the benefit and how are you going to recover from this without injury. Ask about the science behind their pushing you to do this. We can tell you it’s not there. One last thought is that many times we hear the idea that the runner needs the mental confidence they can run 20 miles. That confidence comes at a steep price, of getting injured, sick or missing workouts and in the end actually jeopardizes the runner’s ability to achieve their goal in the marathon, whatever it may be.
What should you do instead to address the need for longer runs? We have our Lydiard trained runners the day before do an easy run of 8 miles and the next day do your long aerobic run of 10-12 miles. Sometimes depending upon where they are in the cycle the day prior will be of a higher intensity. Within 24 hours you will get in your time, gain the training effect and won’t get hurt or sick. Remember your aerobic benefit occurs between 1 hour 30 mins and 2 hours 30 minutes. That’s the science.
Main Takeaways on the 20 Mile Run
Research has shown that 2:00 - 3:00 hours on your feet, regardless of pace, is optimal for aerobic development. The major physiological benefit occurs between 1:30 and 2:30. Beyond that damaging muscle fiber breakdown happens that can take weeks to recover from.
Recovery from this damage takes minimally 14 days and, in some cases, longer.
The immune system is severely compromised, which increases the risk of contracting colds and the flu and is one of the major causes of overtraining.
If one's long run training pace is 7:00 per mile, it takes the runner about 2:20 to complete a 20 miler. If one has a 9:00 pace it takes about 3:00 is to finish a 20-mile workout. If your comfortable aerobic pace is 9:00+ you should not be undertaking the "20 miler", let alone doing multiple ones leading up to your target race. If your coach is recommending you include 20 milers in your plan over the next couple weeks, and your aerobic training pace is 9:00+, ask the question ‘why do this, what is the benefit, and what are my risks?'
It is the time on your feet that is critical, not the actual distance. If you are out over 3:00 you dramatically increase your probability of injury/illness which in turn may impede your end goal of finishing your marathon.
The physical damage from doing the 20 Miler far outweighs any perceived mental benefit to doing a 20 miler(s) leading up to their marathon. Completing a marathon is a physical endeavor, 99% aerobic. In those last few miles the "mental benefit" of having completed 20 mile runs in training won't help the runner overcome the physical damage incurred.
Arriving at the start line healthy and injury free after having completed a thoughtful training plan, based in science, where each workout serves a purpose and builds on one another is a better way to go.
If you would like to learn more about the Lydiard® Method, please visit our store, Running Niche, and talk with Bob Dyer or Jennifer Henderson, who are both Lydiard® Certified Coaches.
For more information on the topic, check out the video below on Running Niche’s YouTube channel of Bob discussing these same ideas.
Managing Training with Cancelled Goal Race
Sometimes your goal race gets cancelled, and you are faced with tough training plan decisions. Finish it out? Cut bait now and refocus on Fall goal race? Here are my thoughts on this through the lens of the Lydiard Training Method.
Sometimes your goal race gets cancelled, and you are faced with tough training plan decisions. Finish it out? Cut bait now and refocus on Fall goal race? Here are my thoughts on this through the lens of the Lydiard Training Method.
Scenario 1: You are in the last 2-3 weeks before goal race. In this situation its best to finish it out and run a simulated race on goal race day. The thinking here is that you’ve done 90% of the plan and are in great shape. Why not see how good? So on “race day” here’s what I’d recommend: If your race was a full marathon, run a hard 10 miles, half marathon or even 15 miles at race pace. Push it and see what you can do. Prep for it the day before just like it was a real race. You then can use this time to help drive your Fall training plan and there will be important learnings coming out of it to evaluate. If you goal race was a half marathon then either do a 10k, 10 mile or a half. If it was a 10k, then either do a 10k or 5k.
Scenario 2: You are in the last 6 weeks before goal race. This one is more complex. You have a choice to make. One is complete the plan which takes you to early May, run your simulated goal race, recover, then start your Fall cycle. The other choice is to shorten your current cycle, go immediately into one week of integration, then one taper week. Then run a simulated goal race. This would take you to mid-April, then take two weeks of recovery before you start your Fall cycle. The same simulated race guidelines as noted above apply here too.
Scenario 3: You are 6+ weeks out and you feel your goal race has a good shot at not being cancelled. These would be races in late May and into June. My advice here is to continue your plan as scheduled for the time being. You are continuing to build fitness. Best case is your race happens; worst case is you need to shut it down early. In that situation follow the advice noted above in shortening your cycle.
If you would like to learn more about the Lydiard® Method, please email or visit our store, Running Niche, and talk with Bob Dyer or Jennifer Henderson, who are both Lydiard® Certified Coaches.
The Essence of an Effective Coach
Embarking on a training journey requires more than just a well-structured plan; it necessitates the guidance of a competent coach. But what qualities define a good coach? Let's explore the key characteristics that set an effective coach apart…
Embarking on a training journey requires more than just a well-structured plan; it necessitates the guidance of a competent coach. But what qualities define a good coach? Let's explore the key characteristics that set an effective coach apart:
Key Traits for Success
In-depth Knowledge: A good coach possesses a profound understanding of training principles and the underlying physiology. They can readily explain the purpose and benefits of each workout, fostering a deeper comprehension of the training process.
Open to Dialogue: Encouraging questions and fostering open communication is vital. A good coach welcomes inquiries about training methods, as constructive dialogues lead to better insights and improved performance.
Values Commitment: Time and dedication are essential in training and coaching. A committed athlete is more likely to achieve their goals, and a good coach emphasizes the importance of dedication throughout the journey.
Asks and Listens: By actively asking questions, a coach can grasp what might be happening in the athlete's life. This insight allows them to make necessary adjustments to the training regimen, ensuring it aligns with the athlete's circumstances.
Intuitive Adjustment: An effective coach has the intuition to modify a runner's workout when necessary or advise them to take a rest day. Emotional fatigue or minor discomforts can escalate if ignored, leading to more significant setbacks.
Motivates with Honesty: A good coach provides motivation while maintaining honesty. Rather than inflating expectations, they offer straightforward evaluations of the athlete's progress and fitness level.
Real-World Experience: Having experienced training, racing, successes, and failures themselves, a competent coach can draw from their personal journey to guide their athletes effectively.
Accreditation and Expertise: It's essential for a coach to possess proper accreditation and a well-rounded knowledge base. Completing a thorough accreditation process demonstrates a clear coaching philosophy and an understanding of various training methods.
In the image above, we see coaches Bill Bowerman, Nobby Hashizume, and Arthur Lydiard. Nobby, an authority on the Lydiard Method, exemplifies the qualities of a good coach. At Running Niche, we are fortunate to benefit from Nobby's expertise, as he provides valuable advice and interprets Lydiard training principles to enhance our approach.
How to Run Slow in Order to Run Fast
Sharing here a recent post by Coach Nobby Hashizume to a training group. Nobby is one of the worlds foremost authorities on Lydiard training. The topic is learning how to run slow, in order to run fast.
"First of all, the largest portion of the Lydiard training plan are Aerobic Long Runs. One of the most frequently asked questions is; why so slow? I cannot stress enough the fact, for example, with my good friend in Japan, Toshi Takaoka with a marathon PR of 2:06:16. He ran 90% of his training at 8-minute-mile pace!! He runs around 4:40 per mile pace for his marathon. Recently there was an article about Kenyan running legend, Henry Rono. He was one of the most talented runners of his time. He set 4 world records within 81 days in 1978.
Sharing here a recent post by Coach Nobby Hashizume to a training group. Nobby is one of the worlds foremost authorities on Lydiard training. The topic is learning how to run slow, in order to run fast.
"First of all, the largest portion of the Lydiard training plan are Aerobic Long Runs. One of the most frequently asked questions is; why so slow? I cannot stress enough the fact, for example, with my good friend in Japan, Toshi Takaoka with a marathon PR of 2:06:16. He ran 90% of his training at 8-minute-mile pace!! He runs around 4:40 per mile pace for his marathon. Recently there was an article about Kenyan running legend, Henry Rono. He was one of the most talented runners of his time. He set 4 world records within 81 days in 1978.
His training was divided into three different categories; Snail pace, Ostrich pace, and Deer pace. He did 4 days a week at Snail pace and Ostrich and Deer one each with one day completely off. His ‘Snail’ pace was done at around 8-9 minute mile pace!! Henry said he learned this from 4X Olympic champion Lasse Viren who won 5k/10k in BOTH 1972 and 1976 Olympic Games. He would do 70-90% of his running at the pace with HR less than 140bpm and was very heavily influenced by Lydiard.
There's no such thing as ‘running too slow’. It is always better to go a little too slowly than too fast and you have to learn how to run slow in order to run fast" - Nobby Hashizume
Lydiard Peaking
Peaking is about being ready on your goal race day. Ready in every sense from physical to mental and all the other variables which go into preparation. It’s a long road to get to this point: Aerobic Base Building, Hill Strength Training, Anaerobic Development, Integration, Taper then Peak.
The Lydiard Pyramid, shown here, is designed to train the specific systems, in sequence, to lead you to a peak performance on race day. Do the work and you stand a good chance of attaining your goal!
Peaking is about being ready on your goal race day. Ready in every sense from physical to mental and all the other variables which go into preparation. It’s a long road to get to this point: Aerobic Base Building, Hill Strength Training, Anaerobic Development, Integration, Taper then Peak.
The Lydiard Pyramid, shown here, is designed to train the specific systems, in sequence, to lead you to a peak performance on race day. Do the work and you stand a good chance of attaining your goal!
Signing up for a Lydiard plan is done via The Running Wizard. You will be asked a series of questions to drive the plan specific to you and your current fitness level.
Here is the link to The Running Wizard:
If you would like to learn more about the Lydiard® Method, please stop by the store and talk with Bob Dyer or Jennifer Henderson, who are both Lydiard® Certified Coaches.
Progress Calibration Runs
Different training systems have different names for essentially the same type of workout. In Lydiard, once the aerobic base is built and the runner is well into hill or interval training phases there is a 1xper week "Progress Calibration Run". Under Tinman training its called a "critical velocity run" or under Canova a "fast continuous or fast progressive run".
These workouts come at specific times during the training cycle as the runner progresses though their plan. A Lydiard PCR is based on heart rate and pace. HR can go as high on average as 175. Pace builds to faster than race pace for a specific duration. The physiological benefit gained is getting the body used to faster, steady state, just below lactate threshold running.
Different training systems have different names for essentially the same type of workout. In Lydiard, once the aerobic base is built and the runner is well into hill or interval training phases there is a 1xper week "Progress Calibration Run". Under Tinman training its called a "critical velocity run" or under Canova a "fast continuous or fast progressive run".
These workouts come at specific times during the training cycle as the runner progresses though their plan. A Lydiard PCR is based on heart rate and pace. HR can go as high on average as 175. Pace builds to faster than race pace for a specific duration. The physiological benefit gained is getting the body used to faster, steady state, just below lactate threshold running.
The mental benefit is that the runner learns what fast pace feels like and as they progress through the cycle learns they can maintain a faster pace with the same effort after several weeks of PCR's building confidence. Done properly, augmented by the other Lydiard workouts during the week, especially recovery runs, the runner can run faster pace at the same heart rate as previous weeks.
During a PCR there is a defined duration and heart rate range to monitor, with the goal being run each mile progressively faster by a few seconds and still feel like they could have run faster and further if they had wanted to. Shared here is Lori G's, PCR from Saturday.
A textbook example of a well done PCR. She averaged 9:42, HR well within range, each mile progressively faster. In about four weeks time she will be doing these at her 9:00 min per mile marathon race pace for longer durations at the same heart rate. There are no short cuts, do the work, you earn the benefit come race day.
If you would like to learn more about the Lydiard® Method, please visit our store, Running Niche, and talk with Bob Dyer or Jennifer Henderson, who are both Lydiard® Certified Coaches.
One Successful Marathon Per Year
What do you do next after your fall marathon is complete? So, you just finished NYC. Achieved your goal. Now what? Got this question the other day. Here's a path to consider. Endurance training is an iterative process. Lydiard training cycles build on one another as well. As I've said before, building fitness is about stress and recovery. Assuming you are on a smart post half or full marathon recovery plan of a few weeks, now comes the decision about what to do next? How many marathons should be run in a year? I've always felt that one successful marathon per year is smart. How you measure that success will vary from runner to runner, but for me it was time improvement.
What do you do next after your fall marathon is complete? So, you just finished NYC. Achieved your goal. Now what? Got this question the other day. Here's a path to consider. Endurance training is an iterative process. Lydiard training cycles build on one another as well. As I've said before, building fitness is about stress and recovery. Assuming you are on a smart post half or full marathon recovery plan of a few weeks, now comes the decision about what to do next? How many marathons should be run in a year? I've always felt that one successful marathon per year is smart. How you measure that success will vary from runner to runner, but for me it was time improvement.
Now consider working on your shorter distances and pace in your next cycle. For example, for the Spring target a 5k or 10k. A plan for these, while still providing a good aerobic base building component, will have you working on shorter, yet faster paced tempo runs, fast interval sessions during the anaerobic phase and of course testing yourself in controlled races as you head towards peak. The beauty of this is once you complete this cycle, you can move right into your marathon training cycle for Fall with an 18–24 week plan. The benefits? Your fitness level will have increased, your aerobic base will have grown, your fundamental speed will have improved, and you will have set yourself up for a productive next training cycle for a goal half or full marathon.
If you would like to learn more about the Lydiard® Method, please visit our store, Running Niche, and talk with Bob Dyer or Jennifer Henderson, who are both Lydiard® Certified Coaches.
Training Consistency
You’re in that period after your goal race. Heading into the holidays. It’s easy to fall into that trap of “Oh I’ll start my next plan in a few weeks” or “I’m still going to run but not in a set or structured way”. I’d ask you to consider the following as you set your path.
You’re in that period after your goal race. Heading into the holidays. It’s easy to fall into that trap of “Oh I’ll start my next plan in a few weeks” or “I’m still going to run but not in a set or structured way”. I’d ask you to consider the following as you set your path.
Under the Lydiard Method, just as the phases within a cycle build upon one another, training cycles in total also build upon each before it. Remember that training is an iterative process, disrupting this process leads to a decline in fitness. As you finished your fall cycle, took a month of recovery running if you ran a marathon, you’re ready to start the next cycle for spring. You are starting this cycle at a much higher level of fitness as you just completed 18-24 weeks of training. Your new training cycle plan will be consistent with your new fitness level. This means not only will the intensity of your Out & Backs, Progress Calibration Runs and Intervals will be higher but also your aerobic runs pace will be a bit faster. And your goal race projected time will be faster. As an example: A 4:20 marathon for Fall sets you up for a 4:10 marathon for Spring, if you begin a new training cycle. Or a 3:55 leads to a 3:45.
However, if you skip a cycle, essentially this means you are starting over at the same place you were as you began your Fall cycle. And that assumes you have maintained some sort of aerobic base during this down period.
I also understand that for some, moving into a new, equally intense cycle may not be ideal at this point in time. Remembering the principles of consistency and that training is iterative, the Lydiard Method offers additional options to maintain and build your fitness.
Different Lydiard® Method training plans offered at
I advise our marathon runners to focus in Spring on a 10k or Half Marathon premium plan to work on enhancing their endurance and speed. While these can be 24 weeks in duration, they also can be shorter.
For some it may be best to embark on a “Base to Race” plan which focusses on aerobic conditioning and can be as short as 10 weeks.
In either case, each will help set you up to begin your Fall marathon training cycle in a higher state of fitness setting up the opportunity for you to again achieve your target race goals whatever they may be.
Lastly, there is a myth out there that the Lydiard Method is just for marathoners or “fast” runners. It’s not. The principles of periodization work for all runners regardless of their experience level. It’s personalized to you and your starting fitness level. That is why there are Up and Running or Up and Racing plans for those starting out in their fitness quest or coming off injury or surgery (like me).
If you would like to learn more about the Lydiard® Method, please stop by the store and talk with Bob Dyer or Jennifer Henderson, who are both Lydiard® Certified Coaches.