What do Mitochondria do in Muscle Tissue?

Why is building a solid aerobic base so critical? The foundation for a successful performance in your goal race starts many weeks before during the aerobic base building phase. This segment of training builds your "aerobic engine" which in turn allows you to handle your harder workouts as you progress through your training plan and building fitness.

Remember there is "running" and then there is "training". There is a huge difference. Training is based upon science and building certain physiological systems you will need at full capacity to do your best in your goal race. I came across this chart recently which does a great job of simplifying why slower aerobic running is critical in building a good aerobic base.

Understanding Mitochondria’s Role in Muscle Tissue

It comes down to that little engine at the cellular level called Mitochondria. You want as many of these guys as possible. Slow aerobic running during base building has been shown in some studies to actually double the amount of Mitochondria! So as you are out there putting in your time on your feet and your friends are asking why you are running so slowly, here is your answer.

Within Lydiard Training, Aerobic base building is 10 weeks of a 24 week program. It truly is the foundation upon which the next four phases in sequence are built: Hill Strengthening, Anaerobic Development, Integration/Coordination and Tapering.

Bob Dyer (Co-Owner, Running Niche)

International business leader and specialty running retailer with deep expertise in the branded footwear and apparel industry. Co-Owner of Running Niche, a specialty running store located in The Botanical Heights neighborhood of St. Louis, Missouri.


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